Urgent Action: Tenzin Delek Rinpoche
Candlelight for Tenzin Delek Rinpoche - Tuesday March 9, 2004
Olympic Watch has joined the international campaign to save the Tibetan political prisoner, Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, from execution.
Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, a respected Buddhist leader, was sentenced to death in an unfair trial in December 2002 and may be executed as early as April 2004. Tenzin Delek Rinpoche was most likely targeted by the PRC authorities for his peaceful community and religious work. He was not allowed to choose his legal counsel and the trial was closed for the public.
Olympic Watch is calling on its supporters to participate in this campaign by writing to the government of the People's Republic of China, asking for:
- An immediate release of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche and others detained in relation with this case
- Investigating the reports of torture, ill-treatment and lack of fair trial standards in this case and other cases in the Sichuan Province and in Tibet
- Respecting international human rights law standards
Mr. Li Zhaoxing
Minister of Foreign Affairs
No. 2
Chaoyangmen Nandajie
Chaoyang District
People's Republic of China
We also ask you to write your national government and request that it raise the issue through diplomatic channels with the government of the People's Republic of China.
You can also order postcards for the campaign, get other ideas for your participation, and more background information on the case through this page by the International Campaign for Tibet.